Also in november you have a big chance to save money! In this time of economic uncertainty we always look for ways and tips to save money. Many of us do it almost as a job: looking for coupons, money off vouchers and then shop with them is today a lifestyle. With coupons, you can live like you’re reach, because you don’t have to spend money to buy the products.
Maybe you already know that Supersavvyme gives you the chance to save each month money, by printing coupons or redeeming them online!
This month thanks to Supersavvyme you can save up to 15£.
Here you find an overwiew of many coupons:
- Fairy Fabric Softener : save £1
- Gillette Venus: save £2
- Fairy Platinum: save £1
- Always Discreet: save £2.50
- Aussie Shampoo: save £0.75
Choose the p&g coupons you want to use. You can print them and take them when you’ll go shopping or you can choose to redeem them online. Online coupons are simple and convenient because you don’t have to waste paper
This month you can find coupons for hair care, food pet, make up and much more!
p.s. to use your coupons you have to sign up to Supersavvyme!