Asda teamed up with Cravendale to give away 1,000 Cravendale Glasses!
Enter now and win you Cravendale Glass
As the Cravendale’s team says “No serious milk-drinker’s cupboard is complete without one of Cravendale’s limited edition marvellous milk glasses”.
You know? Cravendale uses ceramic filters to remove more of the bacteria that turn milk sour, so it’s fresher, purer and tastier for longer. So the best way to enjoy the milk is drinking it on a Cravendale Glass!
Enter today the ASDA competition for your chance to win a Cravendale Milk Drinker’s Glass!
Click here and enter your details!
Don’t forget that you can claim the glass also here: first you need to buy a bottle of Cravendale Milk and then enter the code to know if you are a winner!