Free sample of innocent coconut water

Today there’s another fantastic freebie from Sainsbury’s for their online shoppers. You can get for FREE A sample of innocent coconut water. The Innocent coconut water is full of naturally hydrating goodness to keep you refreshed throughout the day. It  has a deliciously fresh, sweet and nutty taste and it doesn’t contain added sugar and nothing artificial ingredients. There are 2,000 free samples to be ...

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Free Innocent Drink “Perfectly Pink” Smoothie

Apples, pears, bananas, oranges and lemons are the ingredient that you will find in the new Innocent Drink “Perfectly Pink smoothie”, a  great source of vitamin c. The Innocent smoothies are perfect for spring and summer,  after sport or just as a snack in the morning. They are 100% pure fruit smoothies, no added sugar on them. Would you like to ...

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