Win a bottle of Joop Homme Extreme

Wolfgang Joop was born in Potsdam, Germany in 1944, and originally worked as a fashion illustrator and journalist, as well as a freelance designer for fashion houses across Europe, before embarking on a fashion career with his former wife Karin when they won first prizes at a design competition in 1968. The JOOP fashion house as we know it today was launched in 1981, and is probably most well known for its range of perfumes and toiletries. The JOOP perfume range now includes a range of perfumes, as well as a selection of deodorants, aftershaves and bathing products.

Enter today the Fragrance Direct Competition for your chance to win one bottle of Joop Homme Extreme! JOOP! Homme Extreme is seriously addicting, directly exciting to the female subconscious and immediately recalling images of passionate moments.

Click here, like the page and enter your details! Shop the fragrance here and save 8 £!

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