The Real Food Group is run by Tpoll Market Intelligence Ltd, an independent market research company based in London. Join “The Real Food Group”, your opportunity to give your views on all things food related and win great prizes for doing so!
We want to welcome you to the real food group where you get the chance to talk about all things food related, what kind of food you buy, where you buy food, where you like to eat out, how often and what recipes you like to cook and when.
You can sign up completely free and as a member you will regularly be invited to give your views on a range of topics, like your hobbies, what you like to do in your spare time, what kind of food you regularly eat and what you think of different foods. What are your expectations when eating out, which restaurants you like and you look for.
Each questionnaire will take no longer than 10 - 15 minutes to complete. You can share your recipes, your opinions and ideas. You can upload your questions about food and receive answers from the users.
In return, they will offer you cash prizes and you have also the chance to share your opinions with other users and see what they think about food too.
On the site you will find recipes and tipps about food! Do you want to know something about the winners? Stephen from Peterborough won a £50 Post Office One4 All gift voucher, ernie from Lancs won 2 restaurant vouchers worth £25 each from ‘The restaurant choice’…
If you want to join click here!
50p Money off Princes Limited Edition Mackerel Fillets and FREE sample of Knorr Gravy Paste.